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Sourcing, processing and suppliers of bulk quantities of quality mulches, soils and growing medias for use in the agricultural, nursery and landscape industries. We are able to deliver these products at competitive rates, backed by our fleet of prime movers, walking floor trailers and tipper trailers.

Hardwood Chip

Hardwood Chip is used in landscaping as a decorative and long lasting garden mulch. Its benefits include water conservation, weed control and reduction/prevention of soil erosion.  Screened Hardwood chip ranges in size of up to 25mm square.

Cypress Chip

Cypress Chip is used in landscaping as a light yellow decorative and long lasting garden mulch with a beautiful fragrance.  Its benefits include water retention, weed control and termite resistant qualities.  Cypress chip ranges in size up to 25mm.

Hardwood Sawdust

Harwood Sawdust is great for blending with soils and can be used within a range of different products to create a lighter soil mix.

Cypress Sawdust

Cypress Sawdust is known to reduce the presence of beetles and bugs making it perfect for using it as a bedding material for animal farming industries such as chicken, calves and horses.

Pine Sawdust

Pine Sawdust can be used to introduce organics into soils and growing medias.  It is also widely used in bedding material for animal farming industries such as chicken, calves and horses.

Forest Mulch

Forest Mulch is a long lasting, economical, recycled coarse garden mulch.  Its benefits include water conservation, weed control and reduction/prevention of soil erosion.  Forest mulch provides soil enhancement through slow release of natural nutrients.  It is widely used in semi-rural and acreage properties.

Cypress Mulch

Cypress Mulch is a finely ground cypress bark/chip that is light red/brown in colour and holds a beautiful fragrance.  Its benefits include water conservation, weed control and termite resistant qualities.  This a popular choice for all residential and commercial properties.

1" Hoop Mulch

1”Hoop Mulch is a light tan decorative, fibrous bark mulch often described as curly hoop.  Its benefits include water retention and is stable in both exposed windy areas and on slopes.

Hoop Fines

Hoop Fines is a light tan fibrous bark mulch up to 15mm in size.  Its benefits include water retention and is easy to apply.

Slash Bark 15-25mm

Slash Bark 15-25mm is a tan coloured decorative, chunky bark mulch with a pine fragrance.  Its benefits include a light product that is easy to install.  This is our most popular choice for residential and commercial gardens.

Slash Bark Certified Softfall 

Slash Bark Certified Softfall is a tan coloured decorative bark with a pine fragrance.  Its benefits include lessoning the impact of falls from playground equipment.  It is used as an environmentally friendly alternative to rubber type playground surfaces.

Slash Bark 0-15mm

Slash Bark 0-15mm is a tan coloured decorative bark mulch with a pine fragrance.  Its benefits include a light product that is easy to install.  This is a popular choice for small gardens and pots.  It is also used in nurseries for a potting media mix.

Slash Bark 0-5mm

Slash Bark 0-5mm is a tan coloured decorative bark mulch with a pine fragrance.  Its benefits include a light product that is easy to install.  This is a popular choice for courtyards and pots.

Slash Bark 25-50mm

Slash Bark 25-50mm is a tan coloured decorative, large chunky bark mulch with a pine fragrance.  Its benefits include a light product that is easy to install.  This is popular for large garden beds and parks.

Enriched Compost

Enriched Compost is a composted mix of hoop sawdust and foul manure.  This can be used as a soil conditioner.

Composted Slash Bark 5-15mm

Composted Slash Bark 5-15mm is medium size bark that is composted for 3 months.  It has a low bulk density and can be used as a potting media base requiring good drainage.

Composted Slash Bark 0-5mm

Composed Slash Bark 0-5mm is a fine bark that is composted for 3 months.  It has a low bulk density and can be used as a potting media base and general soil conditioner.

Composted Greenwaste

Composted Greenwaste is biodegradable waste comprising of garden cuttings and tree waste.  It is ground, screened and composted naturally to maintain the organic benefits.  This product can be used as a soil conditioner and potting media.

Coarse Potting Mix

Coarse Potting Mix is a premium potting media derived from composted bark and minerals to create a rich organic growing media giving a good balance between water retention and drainage.

Budget Potting Mix

Budget Potting Mix is an economical potting media derived from bark and green waste products that have been ground, screened and composted to create a rich organic product.

Custom Composted Blend

Create your own Composted blend from our vast array of composted products.

Custom Potting Mix

Create your own Potting Mix from our vast array of composted products.

Custom Mulch Blend

Create your own Mulch blend from our vast array of products.



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